Istruzioni per la costruzione di una vita migliore
1. Gives people much more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
2. Memorize your favorite poem.
3. Do not believe everything you hear.
4. Spend everything you have.
5. Sleep all you want.
6. When you say "I love you", say really.
7. When you say "sorry", look the person in the eye.
8. Engaged at least six months before you get married.
9. Believe in love at first sight.
10. Never laugh at anyone's dreams.
11. Love deeply and passionately. It may hurt but it's the only way to live a full life.
12. In disagreements, fight fairly.
13. Do not insult.
14. Do not judge people by their relatives.
15. Talk slowly but think quickly.
16. When qulacuno asks you a question you do not want to answer, ask "Why do you want to know?"
17. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risks.
18. Call your mother.
19. "Health!" when someone sneezes.
20. When you lose, non perderti anche la lezione.
21. Ricorda le 3 R: rispetto per se stessi, rispetto per gli altri e responsabilità per tutte le tue azioni.
22. Non lasciare che una piccola disputa ferisca una grande amicizia.
23. Quando ti rendi conto di aver sbagliato, provvedi subito.
24. Sorridi quando alzi la cornetta del telefono: chi ti chiama sentirà il tuo sorriso dalla tua voce.
25. Sposa una persona con cui ti piace parlare: quando invecchierete sarà importante.
26. Ogni tanto stai da solo.
27. Apri le tue braccia ai cambiamenti ma non perdere i tuoi valori.
28. Ricorda che a volte il Silence is the best answer.
29. Read more books and watch less television.
30. Live an honorable life and when you are older, looking back, you'll be happy again.
31. Do you believe in God but lock your car.
32. A loving atmosphere in your home is important, does everything to create a tranquil harmonious home.
33. In disagreements with loved ones, chiarisciti now to avoid having to dig up past situations.
34. Read between the lines.
35. Share your knowledge: it is a way to achieve immortality.
36. Be gentle with the earth.
37. Please. There's immeasurable power in it.
38. Never interrupt when you are being flattered.
39. Mind your own business.
40. Do not trust a person who does not close his eyes while you kiss.
41. At least once a year to go some place where you've never been.
42. If you earn a lot of money, use it to help others: this is the only one who can give great satisfaction wealth.
43. Always remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a good thing.
44. Learn the rules then break some.
45. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is stronger than your need for each other.
46. Judge your success by what you had to give to get it.
47. I well remember that your character is your destiny.
48. Combined love and cooking with abandon.
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