Friday, December 25, 2009

Insesto Italiano Free

Dalla newsletter de I Dinosauri del Blues n.27

Le notizie pervenute questa settimana nel mondo dei dinosauri e dintorni dicono che:

venerdì 25 dicembre Smokin Mary e Bluesmoon live al Millibar PISA

venerdì 25 dicembre Carlo Pacini Blues & More Trio a La Stiva - Viareggio

venerdì 25 dicembre Almanegra Trio a Officina Metropolis - Livorno

sabato 26 dicembre Freddie Matoro Blues Band a Officina Metropolis - Livorno

Domenica 27 dicembre Ultima jam del 2009 all'Offcinina Perduta di BIentina (PI) con I Dinosauri del Blues

mercoledì 30 dicembre Vigilia deell'ultimo dell'anno in Blues con Filippo Barontini Band - OPERA ET GUSTO RISTORANTE-TEATRO

Circolo Arci di Lorenzana, Via Gramsci, Lorenzana (PI), 55100, IT

giovedì 31 dicembre Ultimo dell'anno in Blues e Rock and Roll con Filippo Barontini Band presso Staccia Buratta Club Enogastronomico (PI)

Mi sembra non ci sia altro

Alla prossima
Dinosauri del Blues e dintorni

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Female Initiation Paddling

List boxes of Monopoly

Vicolo Corto
narrow alley
South Station
Ramparts Gran Sasso
Viale Viale Monterosa
Victory Park
Via Accademia
Electric Company
Viale dei Giardini
University Course

University Square East Station
West Station
Largo Augusto
Via Verdi
Course Empire
Corso Raffaello

Via Roma Piazza Dante
Soc.Acqua drinking
North Station
Posteggio Gratuito
Piazza Giulio Cesare
Viale Traiano
Viale Costantino
Largo Colombo
Corso Magellano
Via Marco Polo

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Edible Glitter Dissolve

Dalla newsletter de I Dinosauri del Blues n.26

Le notizie pervenute questa settimana nel mondo dei dinosauri e dintorni dicono che:

Stasera Giovedì 17 Dicembre, Matt Biondi Biondi ci comunica: Locomotive Breath - Mo 'Jazz - S.Miniato Basso

Venerdi 18 Dicembre Corsi-Pepe Blues band al bar Sport Fornacette Pi.

Venerdi 18 Dicembre THE A.S.S. Live for "BODEGUITA"" Piazza dei Domenicani Livorno

Sabato 19 Dicembre Eddie & The Honey Makers - Ristorante Rodomonte, Piazza Democrazia, 7, Gabbro (LI)

Sabato 19 Dicembre Il Vanni ci comunica: Sniders - italian TWISTED SISTER tribute - Black Dog Firenze

Domenica 20 Dicembre Appuntamento con i Dinosauri del Blues per la Jam Session dell'Officina Perduta - Bientina (PI)

Mercoledì 23 Filippo Barontini e "OLD SCHOOL " - D NOTE - PISA

Mi sembra non ci sia altro

Alla prossima
Dinosauri del Blues e dintorni

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jelly Bracelets Color Chart Meanings 2010

Dalla newsletter de I Dinosauri del Blues n.25

Le notizie pervenute questa settimana nel mondo dei dinosauri e dintorni dicono che:

Venerdi 11 Dicembre Freddie Matoro Blues Band a La Bodeguita di Livorno

Venerdi 11 Dicembre Filippo Barontini & Old Scholl Band Jam Session al Becol di Altopascio

Venerdi 11 Dicembre Smokin Mary e i suoi Blues Moon all'Officina Metropolis di Livorno

Venerdi 11 Dicembre The Rose & Roselin Club Janis Joplin e Woodstock tribute in Piazza dei Ciompi a Firenze (e speriamo non sia troppo freddo)

Sabato 12 Dicembre The Rose Janis Joplin tribute all' House of the Rock di Pontecchio Marconi (BO)

Domenica 13 Dicembre Filippo Barontini & Big Band Jamo Session al Maes delle Fiandre di Montelupo Fiorentino (FI)

Domenica 13 Dicembre Dinosauri del Blues con la consueta Jam Session dell'Officina Perduta di Bientina (PI)

Domenica 13 Dicembre Hotel La Salle feat. Giada Masoni al Barrino di Bagno Vignoni (SI)

Mi sembra non ci sia altro

Alla prossima
Dinosauri del Blues e dintorni

(Postato con ESTREMA FATICA dato che purtroppo ho l'ADSL di Tele2!)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Remington Vs Tikka 2010 Reviews

Dalla newsletter de I Dinosauri del Blues n.24

Le notizie pervenute questa settimana nel mondo dei dinosauri e dintorni dicono che:

Stasera Mercoledi 25 Novembre i DINOSAURI del BLUES in concerto all'Officina Metropolis di Livorno

Due date che non sono proprio toscane, ma....

Venerdi 27 Novembre Capello suona con THE ROSE Janis Joplin Tribute e altra formazione al Jameika Happy Pub di Verona per il 6th JimiHendrix Birthday

e si replica Sabato 28 Novembre con i Roselyn Club e altra formazione presso XM-Woodstock Tribute via Fioravanti BOLOGNA

Domenica 29 Novembre tutti in jam all'appuntamento settimanale con i Dinosauri a Bientina

Mi sembra non ci sia altro

Alla prossima
Dinosauri del Blues e dintorni

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sudden Onset Of Dizziness & Nausea

Dalla newsletter de I Dinosauri del Blues n.23

Le notizie pervenute questa settimana nel mondo dei dinosauri e dintorni dicono che:

Stasera Giovedi 18 Novembre i GARGIULO BROTHERS and BOOLA HORNS in concerto a La Bodeguita di Livorno

Venerdi 19 Novembre THE ROSE Janis Joplin Tribute in concerto allo Stony Pub di Rosano (FI)

Sabato 20 Novembre THE ROSE Janis Joplin Tribute in concerto al Black and White di Montelupo Fiorentino (FI)

Domenica 21 Novembre tutti in jam all'appuntamento settimanale con i Dinosauri a Bientina

Mi sembra non ci sia altro

Alla prossima
Dinosauri del Blues e dintorni

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gallbladder Jello Mold

Dalla newsletter de I Dinosauri del Blues n.22

Le notizie pervenute questa settimana nel mondo dei dinosauri e dintorni dicono che:

Stasera Giovedi' 12 Novembre direttamente dalla Svizzera MAX DEGA un amico e grande chitarrista suonera' insieme a Capello, Lupo e Mimmo Mollica al circolo Montemagno - Loc. La Corte di Calci (PI)

Venerdi' 13 novembre il Nebbia e i suoi "banana blues" tornano al circolo Arci di Usigliano di Lari (PI)

Venerdi' 13 novembre la Smoking Mary e i suoi Bluesmoon suoneranno all'Officina perduta di Bientina

Sempre venerdi' 13 e' saltata la data di Max Dega al Gallery Cafe' di Grosseto, si spera di rimpiazzare in altro luogo

Venerdi' 13 Novembre suonano anche i Roselyn Club al 3 Bar's di Sieci - Pontassieve (FI) (Capello non c'e' perche era prevista la data con Max Dega)

Saturday, November 14 MAX DEGA with Capello, Mimmo Mollica Wolf and Black & White will play at Montelupo Fiorentino (FI) on the occasion of the birthday of Albert

Blues Jam Session Sunday, November 15 Officina Lost Dinosaurs of Blues Bientina (PI) will replace Big Pasta 'Capello and that instead' to play with The Rose Janis Joplin tribute to Zenigata Scandicci (FI)

I think there's something you next

Dinosaurs of the Blues and its

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Oregon Post Foreclosure Eviction

Dalla newsletter de I Dinosauri del Blues n.21

The received news this week in the world of dinosaurs and its say:

Tonight Saturday, October 24 at Hotel La Salle in San Cassiano MORIANO Bruton (Lucca): Oscvar Bauer: chitarra Andrea Lupo Lupi: Basso Alberto Capello Mattolini: batteria Mimmo Mollica: armonica

Domenica 25 Ottobre non mancate alla Jam Session settimanale de L'Officina Perduta con i Dinosauri del Blues!!!!!!

Mi sembra non ci sia altro

Alla prossima
Dinosauri del Blues e dintorni

Eventuali aggiornamenti in tempo (quasi) reale su:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cargo Van Queen Size Bed

Dalla newsletter de I Dinosauri del Blues n.20

Le notizie pervenute questa settimana nel mondo dei dinosauri e dintorni dicono che:

Con l'arrivo del freddo, oltre alla newsletter, torna l'atteso appuntamento settimanale con la Jam Session dell'Officina Perduta a Bientina. Scaldate gli instruments because 'it again Sunday, October 18. Do not Miss Out.

But we see all the events received for this weekend:

Friday, October 16 at 18:45 Carlo Pacini B & M Trio Live + Jam The HOLD

Friday, October 16 The Rose Janis Joplin Tribute Live @ 3 Bar's - Sieci ( Pontassieve)

Saturday, October 17 Great event! Smoking Mary and his Blues Moon will play at Club de Montemagno The Court of Calci (PI). In addition to the guitar will Smoking Mary Frank Catalano on guitar and vocals - bass Doda Mariotti - Christmas Riili In addition to the battery, special guests, the CISS PACINI

Sax And as I said at the beginning: Sunday

October 18 sharing with the large weekly Jam Session of The Lost Ark Workshop. You are all invited to play with the dinosaurs of Blues !!!!!!

I think there's something you next

Dinosaurs of the Blues and its

Any time updates (almost) real here:

Friday, September 25, 2009

Pearl Shell Beauty Powder

Dalla newsletter de I Dinosauri del Blues n.19

Tonight September 25 , do not miss the aperitif Vinaino of Livorno, playing GARGIULO BROTHERS: Alex ran to the Guitar, Bass and Dario Orlandini Stefano Costagli to the Battery.

and also receive public
Carlo Pacini Trio B & M + JAM LIVE @ The Hold "Tonight 25 Settembre

Alle prossime

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How Long Do It Take To Get Std Test Back

Dalla newsletter de I Dinosauri del Blues n.18

Le notizie pervenute questa settimana nel mondo dei dinosauri e dintorni dicono che i Dinosauri del Blues suoneranno a:

Stasera Giovedi 10 Settembre - Crespina (PI) al Rock e Owsl Caffe' spazio Pro Loco

Venerdi' 10 Settembre - Campo sportivo de La Serra (PI) Golden Drake (Festa dei Motociclisti)

Da "faccia libro" e "mio spazio" pervengono (copio e incollo):


Alex Sarti Live with "THE A.S.S. @ LA BODEGUITA"" venerdì 11 settembre alle ore 22.00

Carlo Pacini B&M Trio LIVE+JAM@La Stiva Venerdi 11 settembre alle 22.00

roselyncluba RadioLibera Festival Venerdì 11 Settembre, alle: 22:00 Santa Croce sull'Arno, Pisa

LA CORTE DEI MIRACOLI @ VINAINO" sabato 12 settembre alle ore 20.00

LA CORTE DEI MIRACOLI @ LA BODEGUITA" domenica 13 settembre alle ore 22.00

ATTENZIONE Per evitare di stressare troppo le vostre casella email, cerchero' di limitare gli eventuali aggiornamenti che invece potrete trovare direttamente a questo indirizzo:

Mi sembra non ci sia altro

Alla prossima
Dinosauri del Blues e dintorni

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How Do I Know If My Tongue Ring Is Too Short

Bluesacco Festival 2009 prima edizione

Ponsacco (PI) si tinge di Blues. Sabato 5 Settembre 2009 il circolo Toniolo Acli ospitera' la prima edizione della rassegna BLUESACCO FESTIVAL

A partire dalle ore 16 saliranno sul palco rispettivamente:

Freddie Matoro Blues Band

Blues Experience

Blues Basket

Filippo Barontini Blues Band - Feat Mimmo Mollica

I Dinosauri del Blues

Leo Boni Band

Un'intera giornata dedicata al Blues - Ingresso gratuito

Monday, August 17, 2009

Oral Gel While Pregnant?

Musicastrada Festival - Ultima settimana

Lunedì 17 Agosto, Monday August 17, Piazza del Castello, Chianni
PIETRO CYRIL AND TARUMBA (Ita) / pizzicca, tarantula, experimental

Founded in 2002 by Peter Cirilllo Tarumba are a group of ethnic and world music. A particular sound such as the use of wooden drums, tambourines, drums ethnic Cubbie Cubbie-archaic, friction drum, guitar flying adapted for psycho-acoustic sounds, make of a car Tarumba polyrhythmic great involvement. The show is colorful and iridescent, an event where you get in the dance and improvisation become public and musicians in an interactive entity.

Created in 2002 by Peter Cyril Tarumba are a real ethnic and world music band. Psycho-acoustics sounds are Achieved by the use of ancient percussions and “chitarre battenti” and thanks to that Tarumba becomes a real involving band. During the multicolor show, dancing and improvvisation make over audience and musicians into a unique entity.

Pietro Cirillo: voce, chitarra battente, mandola
Pasquale Scarano: chitarra classica, elettrica
Mario Ccampajola: basso
Davide Miseo: pad elettronico, tamburelli
Francesco Coppola: voce, percussioni etniche

Martedì 18 Agosto, Tuesday August 18, Piazza San Quirico e Giulitta loc. Parlascio– Casciana Terme
KRAMA ENSEMBLE (Cipro, Italia – Cyprus, Italy) / world, etnica, folk

La formazione nasce per promuovere the music of the Mediterranean through research and deepening of ties between different musical traditions. Their main event is called "AnaDysi," a journey back to the roots for the singer Kyria Constantinou, in whose hand the many souls of Cyprus come to light in a joyful dance for the peaceful coexistence of quite different ethnic groups.

Krama Ensemble Was Created To Promote the mediterranean area music. The Krama Ensemble founded in Kyria Constantinou the ideal voice for Their "AnaDysi" musical project. A journey through the Numerous and different musical identity and souls of Cyprus, the Mediterranean island comes from
From Where Kyria Kyria
Constantinou: vocals, vocals - Enrico Bindocci: piano, piano
Elias Nardi: oud - Leonardo Ramadori drums, percussions / kramaensemble

Wednesday, August 19, Wednesday August 19, Public Gardens - Pomaia
violins SANTA VITTORIA (Italy - Italy) / folk, popular
exclusive Tuscan

The tradition of the 'hundred violins' is still the best documented musical traditions in the province of Reggio Emilia. Here, between the provinces of Reggio, Parma and Mantua, developed a musical movement that gave birth in the early nineteenth century to the music that we know today as "ballroom dancing". The Violins of Saint Victoria reproduce these music after a long research and testimony to its tradition in the world.

The tradition of Santa Vittoria violins is the major music tradition still Documented in the provinces of Reggio Emilia. Here, in the area Between Reggio Emilia, Parma and Mantua, Developed in the early 19th century movement in the music That Originated That we now know as 'ballroom dancing' (Italian popular dance music). "The Violins of Santa Vittoria" re-proposed this music after a long research effort and bear witness to the ITS tradition in the world.

David Gonzo: first violin, first fiddle - Orfeo Bossini: second fiddle, second fiddle
Roberto Mattioli: third violin, third fiddle - Gigi Andreoli: purple - Phillip Pedol: bass, double bass / violinidisantavittoria

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dr Arvind Hair Transplant Hyderabad

Musicastrada Festival - Quarta settimana

Monday, August 10, Monday August 10, Piazza Mazzini - Castellina Marittima
'S Ashley Hutchings Rainbow Chasers (England - England) / folk, folk-rock
rain - In case of rain: Teatro Niccolini
exclusive Tuscan

Founder of Fairport Convention Ashley Hutchings has worked and influenced the music scene founding groups of great importance, bringing together musicians of value. Ashley is the English folk what John Mayall is the British blues. The most recent project is the Ashley Hutchings Rainbow Chasers. A mix of elegance and virtuosity in an approach diretto a un repertorio semi-acustico.

The Rainbow Chasers is a new group formed by Ashley Hutchings. "The Guv'nor", as he is affectionately called, has gathered round him three highly talented musicians, Joe Topping, Jo Hamilton and Ruth Angell. Together they perform a repertoire of self-penned songs of the highest quality and sophistication, drawing from a broad range of ideas and influences.

Ashley Hutchings: basso/voce, bass/vocals - Ruth Angell: voce/violino/chitarra acustica, vocals/violin/acoustic guitar - Jo Hamilton: voce/viola/chitarra acustica, vocals/viola/acoustic guitar
Joe Topping: voce/chitarra acustica, vocals/acoustic guitar

Martedì 11 Agosto, Tuesday August 11, Piazza Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa – Riparbella
JONO MANSON with MAX LA ROCCA and ANDREA PARODI (Italia, Usa – Italy, Usa) / Rock, Roots, Americana
esclusiva nazionale – prima nazionale
in collaborazione con AICS Solidarietà e CESVOT

Per la prima volta assieme uno dei rocker americani più amati al pubblico italiano, Jono Manson, assieme ai due migliori “nuovi” cantautori rock italiani, Massimiliano Larocca e Andrea Parodi. Un evento esclusivo che sarà anche anteprima assoluta del nuovo progetto discografico che ha visto collaborare Manson, Parodi e Larocca con Masimo Bubola, autore storico di De Andrè. Il disco, recorded in Santa Fe, is a concept album about outlaws, bandits and figures of traditional Italian and American. The concert will be presented with a preview, as well as the interpretation of some passages of their repertoire, accompanied by a band of exception.

For The First Time, One Of The Most Claimed from italian audience, Jono Manson, toghether with the "two best new rocker" from Italy: Andrea Parodi and Massimiliano Larocca. The concert will be a preview of Their last record, recorded toghether with Massimo Bubola in Santa Fe, New Mexico, The record is centered on the figures of the outlaw of American and Italian tradition, and the concert will be presented in a preview as well af Their traditional songs as the repertoire played along with an oustandig band

Jono Manson: voce/chitarre elettriche, vocals/guitar - Andrea Parodi: voce/chitarra acustica, vocals/guitar - Massimiliano Larocca: voce/chitarre acustiche ed elettriche, vocals/guitar
Bernardo Baglioni: chitarra elettrica, guitar - Gianfilippo Boni: pianoforte/tastiere, piano/keyboards
Lorenzo Forti: basso, bass - Alessandro Potini: batteria, drum - Max Malavasi: batteria, drum
Keith Rose: basso, bass / /

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Painting A Laser Sailboat

Musicastrada Festival - Terza

Martedì 4 Agosto, Tuesday August 4, Piazza della Chiesa Loc. Montecastelli Pisano, Castelnuovo val di Cecina
RICCARDO MARASCO (Italia - Italy) / folk

E' la voce più significativa della toscana. Lo stile e l'accompagnamento con chitarre d'epoca lo avvicinano alla figura di un moderno menestrello. La sua instancabile ricerca, la carica artistica, le doti musicali e i suoi eccezionali mezzi vocali gli hanno permesso di creare un repertorio unico, anche per la forma con cui viene proposto. I suoi concerti aprono nuovi spazi alla cultura ridando fiducia nella voce umana.

He's the most famous singer from tuscany. His personal style along with his incredible vintage guitar let him seem a modern minstrel. His repertorire is unique, thanks to his research, his singing skills, his musical talent and the way he interpret every song. His gigs create new art places giving back faith to the human voice

Riccardo Marasco: chitarra/voce, guitar/vocals

Mercoledì 5 Agosto, Wednesday August 5, Piazza della Cisterna Loc. Serrazzano, Pomarance
ATHENA TERGIS & WILLOS' (Italia, Irlanda, Usa - Italy, Ireland, Usa) / irish folk, world music

Un repertorio che è un viaggio tra Irlanda, Mediterraneo e America, utilizzando sia canzoni tradizionali che originali. Tre culture musicali che si uniscono nello stile di Athena con gli arrangiamenti dei WilloS'. Athena Tergis è una delle più importanti violiniste di musica folk a livello mondiale, già giovanissima ha suonato nel musical Riverdance a Broodway.

A long journey through the culture of Ireland, Mediterranean Sea and North America. The unique style of Athena with the original arrangments of WilloS' create a blend of sounds that are the summary of three different cultures. Athena Thergis is one of the most exciting fiddler of the world, that has already played in Broodway's Riverdance Musical

Alice Reynold: Voce, Vocals - Stephanie Martin: Violino, Fiddle - Lorenzo del Grande: Flauti, Flutes
Giulio Putti: Bodhran e Percussioni, Bodhran & Percussions
Luca Mercurio: Chitarra Folk & Bouzouki, Acoustic Guitar & Bouzouki - Athena Tergis: Violino, Fiddle / athenatergis

Thursday, August 6, Wednesday August 6, Church Square - Monteverdi Marittimo
Filippo Gambetta Trio (Italy - Italy) / folk
rain - in case of rain: marquee Piazza Giovanni Paolo II
exclusive Tuscan

It is no exaggeration to say that Filippo Gambetta brings the traditional European diatonic organ that Astor Piazzolla brought the tango South America. Filippo Gambetta is part of the wonderful variety of musicians whose music bears the mark of their land without being defined by it. Gambetta ranges from tradzione own compositions to the repertoire of Irish and northern Italy.

Filippo Gambetta (born in 1981) is an italian melodeon player and composer; the music that he presents is innovative contemporary folk music with lots of different influences. Filippo Gambetta uses folk as a tool in his own compositions. His melodeon playing is crisp and the music full of interesting rhythmic, harmonic and textural ideas.

Filippo Gambetta: organetto, three row melodeon - Riccardo Barbera: contrabbasso, upright bass
Claudio de Angeli: chitarra, acoustic guitar

Venerdì 7 Agosto, Friday August 7, Piazza del Popolo, Casale Marittimo
UNAVANTALUNA (Italia – Italy) / folk, etnico
pioggia - In case of rain: Teatro di Casale
esclusiva Tuscan

Unavantaluna is the beginning of a game in which you want to grow and hopes. The group was founded in Rome by a group of four musicians from Sicily with the common passion for the traditions of their homeland. Their need to express themselves through original language, has meant that they believed that building private and intimate, encounters an imaginary shared by many islanders, Sicily and the mainland.

Unavantaluna is the name of an ethnic ensemble Borned in Rome by the meeting of four musicians coming from Sicily, with the common interest for the folkloristic tradition of Their Land. Their music found the The Collective Imagination shared with so many Sicilians, Both living That on the island on the continent

Caramel Cacciola: The Car - Luca Centamore: guitar, guitar Peter
Cernuto: bagpipes, bagpipe - Arnaldo Vacca: tambourine / marranzano / vocals, tambourine / vocals

Saturday August 8, Sunday August 8, Teatro V. Marchionneschi - Guardistallo
THE LITTLE ORCHESTRA VIOLA (Italy - Italy) / folk, ethnic, world music

La Piccola Orchestra La Viola is considered among the most unusual of the world-music scene in Italian. The use of polyphonic organs, the ausiliodi a rhythm section and play the tone of the voice of Antonio Costanzo, create a new concept of concert where the voice della terra si fa sentire con forza e lo spettatore viene portato per mano lungo lo svolgersi del racconto, costruito su composizioni originali come altra forma della musica popolare.

The ensemble “La Piccola Orchestra La Viola” is considered one of the most importat world music band from Italy. The polifonic usa of melodeon, joined with a rythm section and the particulra voice of Antonella Costanza, create a new idea of show, in wich the audience listen to a long story, builded by original compositions like folk music

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lincoln Ls Speaker Wire Diagram

Musicastrada Festival week - Second week

Domenica 26 Luglio, Sunday July 26, Piazzetta della Chiesa - Terricciola
TOM RUSSELL (Usa) / roots, rock, americana
rain - in case of rain: Teatro Tommaso Gherardi Del Testa
exclusive Tuscan
in collaboration with Solidarity and AICS Cesvot

During a concert by Tom Russell is a nice piece of history lives on in American music. If there are artists who deserve credit for having dug a deep furrow in the earth mother, music, Russell was the first to remember and to present them with respect. His songs are stae recorded by great artists, such as it dutifully mention a few: Johnny Cash, Joe Ely, KD Lang, Ramblin 'Jack Elliott, Jeff Walker ...

Tom Russell has recorded 25 records and His Songs Have Been Recorded by Johnny Cash, Nancy Griffith, Joe Ely, KD Lang, Ramblin 'Jack Elliott, Jeff Walker, Dave Van Ronk and other great artists. Russell Credited, along with Dave Alvin, of inventing the Americana radio format and has Appeared on the David Letterman TV show four times in the Last Few Years.

Tom Russell: guitar / vocals, guitar / vocals - Bernardo Baglioni: guitar, guitar

Monday, July 27, Monday July 27, Piazza San Matteo - Montopoli
Pisorno Jazztet (Italy) / jazz
Rain - In case of rain: sala Pius XII

A rivalry that goes back centuries, today is annihilated in a music project of musicians who are part of Pisa "PIS" and livorno "OVEN". Without being charged of "debt historians, training, led by Bertelli, the repertoire is based on original songs on traditional Latin and Tango by presenting an expanded and swinging sound. The crystalline sound, sometimes sweet and low harmonic, is opposed by the blues-rock electric guitar.

folkloristic An old rivalry beetween two cities of Tuscany now Becomes a marvelous musical project with musicians from Pisa and Livorno. Song from Latin tradition and enriched by tango originals and melodic sound of chromatic harp in contrast with the blues-rock of electric guitar.

Federico Bertelli: chromatic harmonica, chromatic harp - Gabrio Baldacci: guitar, guitar
Gabriele Evangelista: bass, double bass - Daniele Paoletti: batteria, drums

Martedì 28 Luglio, Tuesday July 28, Piazza del Comune Loc. Montecalvoli, Santa Maria a Monte
NICK HARPER (Inghilterra - England) / acustico, alternativo, sperimentale
pioggia - in case of rain: Circolo Acli
esclusiva toscana

Figlio del leggendario Roy Harper, Nick suona la chitarra da quando aveva dieci anni, circondato da gente come Keith Moon, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant e Dave Gilmour. Definirlo superlativo cantante e compositore sminuirebbe le sue doti chitarristiche e definirlo eccelso chitarrista darebbe minor luce alle sue canzoni e alla sua voce. Durante i concerti passa da sue composizioni a brani di Presley, Zappa, Jeff Buckley, Led Zeppelin e Public Enemy. Un mix di virtuosità, abilità nello stare sul palco e trasparente spacconeria.

Despite being destined to be forever known as the son of the legendary folk/blues singer-songwriter Roy Harper, Nick Harper has forged his own way ahead to have become recognised as one of Britain's finest acoustic singer/guitarists. To call him a superlative singer/songwriter could put his highly lauded guitar talent in the shade, and to call him a guitarist's guitarist might slight his distinctive, soulful voice and passionate songs.

Nick Harper: voce/chitarra, vocals/guitar

Mercoledì July 29, Wednesday July 29, Piazza Castello, loc. Santo Pietro Belvedere, Capannoli
SOLORAZAF (France - France) / World Music
rain - in case of rain: Social Circle
exclusive Tuscan

Solorazafindrakoto, this is his real name, not just the guitarist who played with Miriam Makeba Manudibango and Dizzie Gillespie, but also an exceptional "one-man-band" from Madagascar. His music is rich with influences from Asia, Africa, Portugal and the ability to combine cultures Solorazaf so far has made him the centerpiece of an entirely original and captivating sound.

Solorazafindrakoto (his real name) is not only the guitarist who played with Miriam Makeba, Manudibango and Dizzie Gillespie, he is a talented one-man band too. With a great knowledge of his instrument, he is quick in the passages, remarkable in melody/rhythm and a vocals’ master. Solorazaf is famous for his ability in combining different cultures creating a captivating and original sound.

Solorazaf: chitarra/voce, guitar/vocals

Giovedì 30 Luglio, Thursday July 30, Piazza della Seminario – San Miniato
LONELY DRIFTER KAREN (Austria, Spagna – Austria, Spain) / alternativo, pop, folk
esclusiva toscana – prima nazionale

Una voce accattivante, caliente a piano, an acoustic guitar and a drum and delicate dance. Melodies, melodies and more melodies. Words, emotions and magic: welcome to the magical world of Lonely Drifter Karen in which in which the feet become yo-yos, a mad inventor falls in love with a circus clown, girls turn into elephants, angels sigh while they must give up ice cream ...

A captivating voice, a fiery piano, a gentle acoustic guitar wandering into an Expressionist cabaret, melodies, melodies and more melodies, words, emotion and magic: welcome to the unique world of Lonely Drifter Karen. A Place where yo-yos Become feet, a mad inventor falls in love with a circus clown, girls turn into elephants, angels sigh while ladies resist ice-cream, and, yes, the grass does Sometimes sings ...

Tanja Frinta: guitar / vocals, guitar / vocals - Marc Meliá Sobrevias: piano / keyboards / vocals, piano / keyboards / vocals
Giorgio Fausto Menossi: drums / vocals , drums / vocals / lonelydrifterkaren

Friday, July 31, Friday July 31, Piazza Trieste - Pontedera
JOE ELY BAND (USA) / country, rock, Americana
exclusive Tuscan - the first in collaboration with national
AICS Solidarity and Cesvot

Joe Ely is one of a very special generation of musicians born in the early '50s and came to prominence in the 70s then, which made the exhibition live a real workhorse. Springsteen are part of it, a close friend of Ely. Its sound is not limited to Tex-Mex, but result in ramifications rock, as evidenced by the famous association with "The Clash", which it is said that Joe Ely was one of the main causes of their success, taking them on tour in the USA in the late 70's. Everybody else

romances the road. Joe Ely lives it. Call Him what you want - a wandering minstrel, gypsy cowboy, visionary song poet, or houserocker on fire - whatever he is, Ely's covered a lot of ground in His Time. He really has ridden the rails (in a circus train, no less), thumbed His Way Across the country, hopped boats to exotic foreign lands, and ridden horses across the prairie. All part of the relentless quest for revelation That can only journey to Satisfy.

Joe Ely: vocals, guitar - Rob Gjersoe: guitar - Jimmy Pettit: bass - Pat Manske: battery

Saturday, August 1, Sunday August 1, Piazza Trieste - Pontedera
THE BLUES EVOLUTION (Italy - Italy) / blues, rock, multimedia

Created by Andy Paul, The Blues Evolution is a multimedia (music and video projections), which traces the history of modern music. A journey that starts from the shores of Mississippi and lives in spreading the blues throughout the world, through all the changes and "evolution" it has undergone over time. From Robert Johnson, through Muddy Waters, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin to Jeff Beck. But it is above all a meeting between the blues and rock musicians who have made the history of live music (of all live club) of the three provinces (Pisa, Livorno, Lucca) from 80's to today.

The Blues Evolution is a multimedia show (music and video), log a journey through the story of the moden music. Beginning frm the Delta Blues till the modern electronic issues. From Robert Johnson to Muddy Waters, from Chuck Berry to The Beatles, Stevie Ray Vaughan From to Jeff Beck. But it is Also a real "meeting point" of all the blues and rock musicians built That the story of live clubs of Pisa, Livorno, Lucca districts from 80's till today.

Andy Paul: guitar, guitar - Johnny Salani: vocals, vocals - Franchini Alessio: vocals, vocals
Manlio Pepper: bass, bass - Fabrizio Balest: bass, bass - Mario Ginesi: drums, drum
Charles Wood: keyboards, Keyboards - Mark Bickley: guitar, guitar - Jade Mason: vocals, vocals
Valentina Barale: vocals, vocals - Alex Sarti: vocals, vocals - Marco Piraino: choir, choir
Valerio Casini: vocals, vocals - Edward Borghini: guitar, guitar - Daniel Parra: video projection, video screening / thebluesevolution

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Julie Ashton Night Calls

Musicastrada Festival - First week

Sunday, July 19, Sunday July 19, Church Square loc. San Casciano - Cascina
LYNWOOD SLIM BAND (Italia, Usa – Usa, Italy) / blues, jazz, swing
esclusiva toscana
Lynwood Slim ha potuto scegliere, grazie al suo talento, di fare due cose per guadagnarsi da vivere:
giocare a bilardo o suonare l'armonica...Per nostra fortuna ha scelto la seconda! E nonostante la lunga
carriera, le occasioni per ascoltare Lynwood, non sono tante. La sua musica rispecchia il suo amore per le
grandi orchestre e quel suono ricco di swing. Difficile dire che esistano al mondo armonicisti e cantanti
più bravi di lui.
Lynwood Slim felt there were only two things he could do to make a living: shoot pool or play harmonica.
Thank goodness he chose to be a musician. This California native brings years of experience, dynamic
stage presence, powerfully expressive blues vocals, and some of the most exciting blues harp you're ever
Lynwood Slim: armonica/voce, harp/vocals - Maurizio Pugno: chitarra, guitar
Marco Meucci: piano, piano Lucio Villani: contrabbasso, double bass - Gio Rossi: batteria, drums
Lunedì 20 Luglio, Monday July 20, Piazza San Matteo - Montopoli
pioggia - In case of rain: sala Pio XII
esclusiva toscana
Ritorna finalmente sulla scena live internazionale un musicista che rappresenta un pezzo di storia della
musica jazz. Dal suo debut with Miles Davis just eighteen years to the various collaborations (
Elvin Jones, McCoy Tyner, Michel Petrucciani, Chet Baker, Kenny Dorham, Lee Morgan, Paul Chambers, Jimmy Garrison
, Dizzy Gillespie ...). The warm tone and penetrating Steve Grossman
remains unchanged and once again stronger than before.
Although he started out playing in fusion-oriented settings, Steve Grossman
Developed into an excellent hard bop tenor in the tradition of Sonny Rollins. He started at the top as Wayne Shorter's replacement
with Miles Davis, playing in His fusion group from 1969 to 1970, and with Lonnie Liston Smith Was
in 1971. He died in valuable period as part of Elvin Jones' group and has mostly Led His Own
bands ever since, recording as a leader for Such labels as PM, Owl, Red, and Dreyfus.
Steve Grossman: tenor sax, tenor sax - Valerio Pontrandolfo: tenor sax, tenor sax
Nico Menci: piano, piano - Aldo Zunino: bass, double bass - Jason Brown: drums, drum / stevegrossmanjazz
Tuesday July 21, Tuesday July 21, beginning at 9:45 p.m. - 9:45 pm starting
Remo Piazza Bertoncini, Castelfranco di Sotto
Raffaello Simeoni "La Via del Sale" (Italy, Italy)
folk, ethnic, world - exclusive Tuscan
rain - in homes of rain: Loggia del Comune
musician, musicologist, teacher, composer for film and theater, multi-instrumentalist and lyric tenor,
Raffaello Simeoni is a key figure among the "ethno-musicians" Italians. Leader and founder of Novalia,
depositary and interpreter of the musical traditions Rieti and beyond, accompanied by two extraordinary musicians
presents a project exclusively within which will present songs from her new cd
"Sabina Mater.
Musician, composer, music teacher and multi-instrumentalist lyric tenor, Raffaello Simeoni is a big-name
Among ethno italian musicians. Founder of Novalia, performer and master of music tradition Rieti,
will perfom a special project with burdens from His last song called "Mater Sabina. Two very special musicians will
play with him.
Raffaello Simeoni: voce/organetto/chitarre/flauti/cornamuse, vocals/guitar/flutes/bagpipes
Massimo Giuntini: uillean pipe/flauti/bouzouki, uillean pipe/flutes/bouzouki
Cristiano Califano: chitarre/bouzouki, guitars/bouzouki
Mercoledì 22 Luglio, Wednesday July 22, Piazza Indipendenza – Calcinaia
opening: The Final Lap Blues Band (Italia, Italy) Blues
TEXAS SLIM (Italia, Usa – Italy, Usa) / blues, rock, funk
pioggia - In case of rain: sala polivalente Don Angelo Orsini
esclusiva toscana
Texas Slim potrebbe benissimo essere la reincarnazione di un cantante soul del passato...Nato e cresciuto
a Dallas-Texas, ha aperto concerti per artisti del calibro di Johnny Winter, Blue Oyster Cult e Savoy
Brown. Il terzo CD di Texas Slim è appena uscito, nel maggio 2009, per l’etichetta blues europea Blues
Boulevard. Slim è considerato un giovane musicista di talento della nuova generazione, una forza della
natura in Texas.
Texas Slim could very well be a reincarnate of a passed soulful singer who plays guitar and is once again
carving out a niche in blues music history. Born and raised in Dallas, TX.... Slim from an early age met
and played with the great Alex Moore, (who first recorded the blues in 1929) and later Little Joe Blue and
opened gigs for musicians like Johnny Winter, Blue Oyster Cult and Savoy Brown...
Texas Slim: chitarra/voce, guitar/vocals - Bill Cornish: basso, bass - Lele Zamperini: batteria, drums
Giovedì 23 Luglio, Thursday July 23, Piazza Indipendenza - Calcinaia
COMMANDER CODY BAND (Usa) / rockabilly, western swing, country, boogie, rock'n'Roll
pioggia - In case of rain: sala polivalente Don Angelo Orsini
esclusiva toscana
Negli anni 70 Commander Cody (alias George Frayne) era un lunatico pianista barrelhouse, capo di un
manipolo di rinnegati del country (i Lost Planet Airmen) che si cimentavano in generi come il rockabilly, il
western swing, il boogie...La cultura alternativa applicata al country sortiva effetti deliziosamente comici.
Incapaci di prendere il rock sul serio, rimasero in margine al movimento, vivendo sulle impennate di
eccentricità del loro leader.
The band was conceived in 1968, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, but arrived in San Francisco in 1969, just in
time to catch the tale end of the summer of love. The repertoire stretched from old time rock and roll,
red neck country; boogie-woogie, Cajun, swing/jazz, plus their self-penned party anthems. Basically,
they represented the essence of American roots music.
George Frayne a.k.a. "The Commander": piano/voce, leader /keyboards/vocals
Steve Barbuto: batteria/voce, drums/vocals - Rick Mullen: basso, bass - Mark Emerick: chitarra/voce,
Venerdì 24 Luglio, Friday July 24, Piazza della Pieve - Vicopisano
LE BALLUCHE DE LA SAUGRENUE (Francia - France) / valse musette, melodico popolare
esclusiva toscana – prima nazionale
Lo stile musette si è sviluppato a Parigi tra il 1930 e il 1950 dall’incontro tra fisarmonicisti italiani e
cabarettisti provienienti dall'Auvergne. Le Balluche de la Saugrenue, provenienti dalla Loira, ripropongono
questo repertorio di canzoni e balli, influenzati dallo swing manouche, dalle danze spagnole e dell’Est
Europa, dalla rumba, dal cha-cha. Un “concert-bal” che mira a coinvolgere il pubblico in danze conviviali e
Musette style music was originated from the meeting beetween italian accordeonist and french
comedians. Le Balluche de la Saugrenue, comig from Loira (France), play this particular style with the
influences of swing manouche, cha/cha, rumba, English and East European dance music. Their concerts
becomes a real travelling dance-hall!!
Marie Perrin “Mimi la Sardine”: canto/flauti, vocals/flutes - Florent Sepchat “Flo la Brettelle”: fisarmonica,
David Forget “David l'Ampoule”: contrabbasso, double bass
Pierre Mager-Maury “Pedro le Basque”: chitarra manouche, manouche guitar
Jean François Caire “Jean Jean la Taxe”: jâse (antica batteria), ancient drum

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sample Settlement Counter Offer

From the newsletter of The Dinosaurs of Blues No.17

Le notizie pervenute questa settimana nel mondo dei dinosauri e dintorni dicono che:

Mercoledi 15 Luglio cioe' STASERA Filippo Barontini Blues Band al Re Noir - Porto Turistico - Rosignano (LI)

Sabato 18 Luglio Smoking Mary In concerto! con i suoi Blues Moon alla festa della Birra di Borgo a Mozzano (LU)

Sempre Sabato 18 Luglio suona anche la Gangster Blues Band alla "vecchia stazione" (per adesso non si sa il nome del locale) di Tirrenia (PI) COMINCIANO PRESTO E FINISCONO A MEZZANOTTE

Dato che io dal 19 saro' a lavorare per un mese al festival Musicastrada e non so quanto tempo avro' per le news, vi anticipo anche qualche concerto della prox settimana

Giovedi 23 Luglio Dinosauri del Blues alla "vacchia stazione" a tirrenia. Con jam session. Ma idem come sopra e cioe' COMINCIANO PRESTO E FINISCONO A MEZZANOTTE.

Sabato 25 Luglio Alex Corsi con i suoi The Gargiulo Brothers alla "vecchia stazione" a tirrenia. Niente jam ma idemcome sopra....

Poi il Corsi aggiunge: Questa vecchia stazione probabilmente ha anche un altro nome che al momento io non so... cmq si trova facile è in fondo alla piazza centrale di tirrenia accanto al luna park.

Mi sembra non ci sia altro

Alla prossima
Dinosauri the Blues and its

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Senior Week House In Ocean City

From the newsletter of The Dinosaur Blues n.16

News received this week in the world of dinosaurs and its say:

Wednesday July 1 ie 'resumes tonight with the weekly jam session at Bath the Blues Dinosaurs of Italy Marina di Pisa . Do not miss

Friday, July 3 June Dinosaurs of Blues in concert at the Mod Lounge Montevarchi (AR)

Also Friday, July 3 Roselyn the tribute played at the Woodstock Club Tambourine Festival in Florence

It seems to me there is nothing except that I (Capello) leaving tomorrow for a few evenings with foreign Hotel La Salle, so I'm not in the network for any updates until July 7. Until next

Dinosaurs of the Blues and its

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What Does My Cervical Mucus Feel Like Lotion

From the newsletter of The Dinosaurs of Blues No.15

News received this week in the world of dinosaurs and its say: Wednesday, June 24

ie 'TONIGHT, BECAUSE BAD time, cancel the jamming of the Bath of Italy Marina di Pisa, we refer to next Wednesday 'with this weekly appointment

Also tonight we played with Stefano Costagli The Rose - Janis Joplin tribute to the party of the Democratic Party di Sesto Fiorentino (FI)

For tonight there are also signs of Blues concert experience in Cala de Medici Rosignano Solvay (LI) also begins tonight

addition to the three days of jam Philip Barontini Band 24, 25 and 26 June to Rigomagno Jazz Festival - Rigomagno (SI)

CANCELLED THE DATE Thursday, June 25 with The Rose - Janis Joplin tribute to Mississippi

Friday 'June 26 we are going to drink a cocktail at Vinaino Livorno' cause the 20 plays the legendary Alex Courses and Gargiulo Brothers

Saturday, June 27 Sounds of the Gangster Bluesband to Matisse Lucca - The Fog advised to bring baseball bats seen earlier :-)

Segnalo another concert by the Blues Experience on Saturday, the Black Cat Cecina (LI)

Sunday, June 28 Blues Jam with Dinosaurs at a farm Colleoli (more info coming soon)

Sunday, June 28 Barontini Band plays at the Philip Tamburello Summer Festival of Florence

CAUTION To avoid too much stress on your inbox, I 'to limit any updates you will find that instead directly to this address:

It seems to me there is no other

the next
Dinosaurs of the Blues and its

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What If You Get A Boner During Waxing

From the newsletter of Dinosaurs of the Blues No.14

The news received this week in the world of dinosaurs and its say: Wednesday, June 17

ie 'TONIGHT Dinosaurs of Blues will open a new weekly event for find ourselves in Jam Session, the Bath of Italy Marina di Pisa, if we do then we maybe even a hot bath in the sea!

Sempre stasera Filippo Barontini band suona al Cala dei Medici - porto turistico di Rosignano Solvay

Giovedi 18 Giugno Capello suonera' con i The Rose - Janis Joplin tribute alla festa del Partito Democratico a Campi Bisenzio (FI)

Venerdi 19 Giugno Grande serata con i Dinosauri del Blues al Be Bop di Firenze NON MANCATE!!!!!

Sempre Venerdi 19 Giugno I gangster Blues Band suonano al Match Point, circolo del tennis a Ponsacco - Loc. i Poggini

Sabato 20 Giugno i Dinosauri del Blues suoneranno al Nebbia Night insieme ai Gangster Blues Band a MOnterappoli (EMPOLI -FI)

Sempre Sabato 20 Giugno The Rose Janis Joplin Tribute suonera' al Tamburello Summer Festival di Firenze

It is not 'over, Saturday, June 20 also plays Filippo Barontini Band music party of Certaldo (FI)

ATTENTION Sunday did not land' for the weekly Jam are moved Usigliano Lari and that ' moved to Saturday 27

There also comes a report that covers the next week, I write now if not I forget :-)
Wednesday 24 June, the feast of Santa Croce PD, Wood Street in the play, make and blues are very good

I think there's something you next

Dinosaurs of the Blues and its

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How To Make Electronic Boats

From the newsletter of The Dinosaur Blues n.13

News received this week in the world of dinosaurs and its dicono che:

Stasera 9 Giugno. ULTIMA JAM SESSION al Music Bar 7 Lune nel complesso Le Barbate All'uscita della FIPILI con la Filippo Barontini Band + Capello dei Dinosauri del Blues

Mercoledi 10 Giugno Capello suonera' con i Roselyn Club - Woodstock tribute Al Note di solidarieta c/o Centro Commerciale Ponte a Greve - Scandicci (FI)

Venerdi 12 Giugno sul palco della Festa della Birra di Santo Stefano a Macerata (PI) (sull'arnaccio), suoneranno i Dinosauri del Blues misti ai Gargiulo Brothers per un concerto che aprira' la serata del comico Paci. Al termine dell spettacolo di Paci, se l'orario lo permettera', nuovo intervento della band, puntando pure ad una jam finale

Capello will play Friday June 12 'with Roselyn Club - Woodstock tribute to the Night Time Lawn

Friday June 12 also plays Freddie Matoro Blues Band to Match Point, the tennis club in Ponsacco (I was wrong in the previous newsletter) - it Jam promises to be a nice final

Saturday, June 13 Dinosaurs of Blues will play at Club Castelnuovo della Misericordia (LI)

Also Saturday, June 13 also plays Filippo Barontini Band ground that 'the Jam session dl Bar Under The Sea in Viareggio
Sunday, June 14
Dinosaurs await the appointment of the Blues Jam of the week are moved Usigliano Lari

It seems to me there is no other

Alla prossima
Dinosauri del Blues e dintorni

Friday, June 5, 2009

Lower Stomach Pressure When I Pee

list of things to hate suzukimaruti

  • i Queen
  • Guccini
  • le infradito da uomo
  • i fascisti
  • la juve
  • Riva Del Garda
  • la montagna
  • the clover
  • andreotti
  • clear straps silicone bra
  • moths
  • spaghetti
  • personal watercraft
  • the people
  • whites with dreads
  • in capri pants
  • the crocs
  • the Po Valley
  • Italians on holiday abroad
  • McLaren
  • Italo Svevo
  • people who do not like dogs
  • vegetarians (but only those rompicazzo)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sorority Serenade Example

From the newsletter of The Dinosaur Blues n.12

Le notizie pervenute questa settimana nel mondo dei dinosauri e dintorni dicono che:

Restiamo in attesa di stabilire l'eventuale nuovo giorno per la Jam a Montopoli dato che ci hanno tolto il giovedi'. Potrebbe essere Lunedi' prossimo, appena avro' conferma vi informo.

Altre notizie dicono che stasera Giovedi 4 Giugno Il nostro Matt Biondi suonera' con i Blues e More Trio al caffe' Vip di Viareggio e sempre con la stessa formazione anche domani Venerdi 5 Giugno al Caffe' Invidia sempre a Viareggio

Sempre venerdi' 5 Giugno Capello (io) suonero' con i Roselyn Club Woodstock Tribute al Keller Platz di Prato
Non e' finita, Friday 'also plays Freddie Matoro Blues Band to Match Point, the tennis club in Ponsacco

Saturday, June 6 Dinosaurs of the Blues will meet at the Circolo Arci Montemagno, loc. the Court - Calci (PI) as a Special Guest holder: Smoking Mary!! Also Saturday, June 6

Stefano Costagli beep 'with The Rose Janis Joplin Tribute to the Bar Under the Sea at Viareggio. Sunday, June 7

Dinosaurs await you at the Blues what is becoming a fixture, are moved to Usigliano Lari

Finally Dinosaurs are inaugurated for a new appointment if you have 'success will continue' for the summer. It begins next Wednesday. Where? In Italy Marina di Bagno Pisa. I make a wish because I will be there, 'cause that night'll play' with Roselyn to "Notes of Solidarity" c / o Local Shops Ponte a Greve (Fi)

It seems to me there is no other

the next
Dinosaurs of the Blues and its

Ps All the dinosaurs, aficionados, pools etc.. etc.. can let us know in good time for their events reported through the weekly newsletter

Thursday, May 28, 2009

1958 Marlin 336 Value

From the newsletter of The Dinosaur Blues No.11

News received this week in the world of dinosaurs and its say:

Thursday evening May 28 the usual appointment with the Jam Session band Barontini Filippo + Dinosaurs of The Blues Music Bar 7 Moons of Montopoli (collectively the Barbate) provincial road No Romanina 18, next to the exit FIPILI. Tonight instead of the course that is' on holiday there will be 'Filippo Antonini

Friday, May 29 Our Matt Biondi beep' at the Match Point, the tennis club in Ponsacco, loc I Poggini with its formation, the Blues Basketball: Matt Biondi on guitar, Jordan Warren on bass, Andrea Conforti on drums, Andrew "Sponge" on harmonica and keyboards Nicola Cheops.

Also Friday at Tenuta San Vito in Montelupo Fiorentino, Philip Barontini will play 'along with The Rose Janis Joplin Tribute
Saturday, May 30 (Capello) will play' with Roselyn Club Woodstock tribute night wing white Lamporecchio (PT) Special guest Luca Canepa to stratocaster

Sunday, May 31 Dinosaurs of the Blues continue to jam at the club's arch Usigliano Lari. All lizards are called to give us a hand as well for this evening there will be no 'Alex Corsi

Also Sunday Filippo Barontini band will play' at the Feast of Chianti Montespertoli (FI)

I think there's something you next

Dinosaurs of the Blues and its

Ps All the dinosaurs, aficionados, pools etc.. etc.. can let us know in good time for their events reported through the weekly newsletter

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Burton Triad Vs Cartel

list of bus route no longer exist friuli

  • Autovie Pupin
  • Olivo snc
  • Ferrari SpA Ltd
  • Collavini
  • Rosina Ltd
  • Bus Triestine
  • Saita
  • The Grades

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tent Trailer Foam Mattress

list of characters that I asked for my autograph

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Genie 20 Questions Game

list of dinner plates 1, Northeastern

sottotitolo: non è la GGD

  • spiedini di mozzarella e pomodori ciliegini
  • cruditè
  • piadina con formaggi ed affettati
  • torta salata ai porri
  • torta salata con zucca e pancetta
  • insalata di mais e surimi con maionese
  • insalata di riso venere
  • lasagne
  • empanadas
  • biscotti al cioccolato e cranberries
  • frittelle
  • gubana

(ho sicuramente dimenticato qualcosa, You can indicate in the comments)