Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Write A Cogratulations For Mom To Be

Cuore di donna

There are women who walk against a life
there are women who have eyes and deep oceans
unknown as there are women who change the skin to love
there are women who give their heart
to find themselves picking up the pieces alone
there are women who quietly do their soul dance
on a beach at sunset
if you stop for a while you can catch
as they struggle against their instinct
their pain while they walk barefoot
facing waves at each sea are increasingly threatened

There are women who closed
eyes listening to slow music that makes it even more savory
their tears
There are women who proudly but with a lump in my throat
give up happiness
There are women who, with their eyes, photograph
those wonderful moments, but so fleeting they feel embraced by love
hoping to keep them alive and colorful forever
if you open your eyes a while you can observe while
scatter crumbs
themselves on the way to the train that will take away
while shouting their anger against wobbly windows of a house becomes a prison while
smile of despair to those who would like to return to business as usual
There are women who do not stop at nothing because
will never find the end of that wire
There are women who have made a knot for every tear their
hoping that someone will come to dissolve

not stop a woman's heart is nothing more

not make a woman cry
every tear is a bit 'of herself that goes

not make her wait alone and scared sitting on the edge of insanity
e se la vuoi amare, fallo davvero, con tutto te stesso
stringila e proteggila
lotta per lei, uccidi per lei, piangi con lei

Donale il più bel raggio di sole
ogni giorno

Tieni sempre accesa quella luce nei suoi occhi
quella luce è speranza
è amore
è puro spirito
è vento
è la più bella stella di qualsiasi notte

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How To Undo Game Updates On The Sims 3

Nocera Umbra Aquila and a common destiny?

di Filippo Tronca, su Abruzzo24ore.

Nocera Umbra come la vicina Giove, per anni dimenticate al loro destino post-sismico, una volta che i riflettori si sono spenti sul terremoto dell'Umbria e delle Marche, hanno riscoperto la celebrità, e le luci della ribalta mediatica, solo dopo il terremoto del sei aprile 2009 a L'Aquila, diventando meta di pellegrinaggio per inviati gabibbi, agguerriti capitan ventosa, e indignati logoteti del regno, che hanno ricordato agli Italians who after thirteen years after the earthquake in Umbria, the alleged miracle, Nocera Umbra is still not rebuilt and the old town was largely destroyed. And in the small village of Jupiter there are families who still live in containers. All this to baste a controversial television synecdoche: the part that is to pass a small amount, for the whole, decorated with bows as a clear message to the Italian viewers:''Given that combined Prodi? Other than a miracle, the miracle is what is being done to L'Aquila!''. And viewers Aquila:''Do not you complain too much, you do not see that we are in Umbria 13 years after homes destroyed, rubble and red zones? And there are people living in damp e orribili container, invece che in bellissime C.a.s.e.?''...

Leggi tutto

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jelly Bracelets Color Meanings 2010 Chart

illustrators Children

Sabato pomeriggio siamo andati alla scoperta della Biblioteca dei Libri Salvati di San Savino nei pressi di Magione.
Ci siamo andati perchè anche i nostri amici della Tana Libera Tutti ben presto apriranno i battenti di una Biblioteca dei Libri Salvati, a Cannara, dove stanno raccogliendo tutti i libri che parlano di viaggi , turismo, paesi del mondo...e che l'associazione INTRA recupera dalla ..."stupida" fine del macero!

A San Savino invece hanno trovato albergo i libri che parlano di «Trasimeno e Nestore» in a room, "Philosophy" in another. The library was set up inside the abandoned elementary school.

But how? It was not closed the school? But there are still children ... and what are they doing? A lesson in the midst of all these books?
Yes, these children are attending the first course for illustrators Children! A teacher is ... teaching them to interpret the world of childhood, to distinguish the various types of illustration: the fairy tale, poetic and satirical. They are learning the foundations for building design, dell'anatonia, the toons.

And now I'm at work with the creative work true ...

We sit down with them ... the "master" ... us to participate even though for us is the first time. Here we find ourselves with a sheet of paper and crayons

The other children are already familiar with the theory of color, painting techniques ... worked in silence with great precision and concentration we improvise a bit ... .. and we rely to the imagination ... "the teacher" encourages us, asking us what we're drawing.

distracted me a little ... like at school and I look out the window ... you can see Lake Trasimeno! What Island is? The Polvese, I am told that the other children ... Fortunately I think I look out the window and see the machines .. not like my house, but the Lake!

Back home mom who makes us see on the Internet is the "master 'there and shows us ... but his designs are beautiful! He is an internationally renowned illustrator! Chat Moreno.

Who knows ... he may have thought of our scribbles !!!!???

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Can You Drink Chlorophyll When Pregnant?

The eclipse in Coloti

guests this morning ... and the "inhabitants" of Borgo Coloti have experienced the eclipse like this ... ci hanno inviato questo video!!!