Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Insurance Counter Offer Letter

settimana 13/17 gennaio

Pending the definition of certain events, sending newsletters and 'suspended. Will remain 'still active page
where as far as possible the events will be listed.
This week, however:

Thursday, January 14 Event: 40th of the death of J. Joplin and Jimi Hendrix concert of The Rose Special Guest: Gabriel Guerrero with a double tribute to Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin and jam session open to all participants - Black and White - Fibbiana - Montelupo Fiorentino (FI)

Thursday, January 14 The Court of Miracles-Mediterranean - District Livorno Venice

Thursday, January 14 Rockblues Jam with BB Juice Titty Twister Live Music . Calcinaia (PI)

Friday, January 15 THE ROSE - Janis Joplin Tribute - Be Bop - Florence

Friday, January 15 Locomotive Breath - Be Cool - Alton (LU)

Saturday, January 16 THE ROSE - Janis Joplin Tribute - Bruton Brewery - San Cassiano Moriano (LU)

Classic Sunday, January 17 appointment with the original Jam Session of the Workshop's Lost Bientina Dinos (PI)

A resent

Monday, January 4, 2010

What Fabric To Use Bandage Dress

40 anni da Jimi Hendrix e Janis Joplin

A few days after 40 years ago died two legends would then remain forever engraved in the history of Rock.

settenbre It was in 1970 when the most 'great innovator of the guitar ended with his death the era of Aquarius, a few days 'later, in October, including the incomparable voice of Janis Joplin would not be more' cyclone was accompanied by his verve.

The Black and Withe Montelupo Fiorentino - Fibbiana (FI) features a tribute to the artists Thursday, January 14, 2010 for 40ennale of their death. On the stage go up
The Rose Janis Joplin tribute band established headed by the talented Tara Degl'Innocenti, band for the occasion, thanks to the great versatility 'guitarist Simone Galassi, also played some tracks from Jimi Hendrix.

But it 's not to complete what' that is a tribute in the truest sense of the word, the group dara' vita ad una Jam Session Rock e Blues per la quale tutti i musicisti sono invitati a partecipare.

Tara degl'Innocenti - Voce
Simone Galassi - Chitarra
Davide Carlaccini - Basso
Alberto "Capello" Mattolini - Batteria