Sunday, February 20, 2011

White Bumps Around My Lip Piercing

Una vita donata. Padre Puglisi

Pino Puglisi was born September 15, 1937 at Brancaccio, a suburb of Palermo, his is a modest family: the padre fa il calzolaio mentre la mamma è una sarta.
Pino scopre presto la sua vocazione e a soli 16 anni, è il 1953, entra in seminario, diventa sacerdote e presta la sua opera in una borgata vicino al suo quartiere natale, è in questi anni che don Pino inizia ad interessarsi ai giovani, ai ragazzi e alla loro educazione, nel 1970 riesce a far riconciliare due famiglie mafiose.
Intanto insegna matematica e religione, esercita come animatore sia per l'Azione cattolica che la Fuci, nel 1990 è nominato parroco di San Gaetano, proprio in quel quartiere Brancaccio di Palermo dov'era nato, un quartiere controllato dalla criminalità organizzata e don Pino inizia la sua battaglia alla mafia.
Una battaglia coraggiosa che si protrae up to a warm late summer evening.
On September 15, 1993 Don Pino 56 years should have made the evening a knock on his door, he opens the door, pointing a gun to the head and he smiles, says he was waiting for them for some time. Kill him on the front door.
Four years later, is arrested in Palermo Salvatore Grigoryan, accused of several murders including that of Don Pino Puglisi.
Salvatore Grigoli will soon become the collaborator with justice and confessed several murders including that of the good priest, after the murder Salvatore says he has not been the same, to live with that grin on his mind.
Father Puglisi and is buried in Palermo on his grave the words of the Gospel of John:
"No one has greater love than to lay down his life for his friends" (Jn 15:13)
On September 15, 1999 was opened the cause for beatification of the Servant of God

"Witnessing especially Who keeps anger
against the company that sees hostile.
To him, the witness must give hope
understand that life is worth doing if it is given. "
[ Father Pino Puglisi ]


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